“I want to see a clean shift today”

JT, the CEO of Choice Canning, sent a voice memo to a WhatsApp thread for senior management in November 2023, requesting that they work together so that no complaints would be flagged by auditors in the SGS internal audit.

These transcripts are derived from original audio files. They represent a best attempt to capture what was said. However, there may be errors because some portions were difficult to discern due to poor audio quality.

[00:00:00] JT Team Amalapuram, good morning. You know, today your goal should be to make it a completely trouble-free shift. I don’t want to hear anything. Why don’t you all work as a team together. Look at everything. This is a simple business, as you know. This is not rocket science. Pay attention, follow up, look at the document, look at what you write down in terms of QC reporting and all that.

[00:00:27] JT Just make sure today I don’t get any complaints from SGS. All the best. I want you guys to do well. We are not ever enemies, we are a team.

[00:00:38] JT But when you hear these complaints obviously it is very frustrating. So I want to see a clean shift today. And from today onwards, you all should perform, please. This is my request, ok. Thanks, bye.