Nordic Seafood


Summary of Crimes & Concerns

  • * Uyghur Labor


August 1 - 8, 2023
2 inquiries
0 replies

Email sent to the main contact address at Nordic Seafood.

The email concerned three Chinese processors which have supplied seafood to Nordic Seafood: Rongcheng Xinhui, Qingdao Tianyuan and Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Corporation. The email detailed the respective issues found connected to these processors, and asked Nordic Seafoods for comment. The email also asked if Nordic Seafoods received any assurances that the salmon it is importing from Dalian Rich has not been handled, processed, or packaged by Uyghur or other ethnic minority laborers from the Xinjiang province.

The Outlaw Ocean Project emailed Nordic Seafood, saying that trade records show that Nordic Seafood imported squid from a processor called Rizhao Jiayuan Foodstuff in 2019. This company has received Xinjiang labor, including Uyghurs, under the transfer program discussed in my previous email, since 2019 and until at least October 2022. The email asked if squid from this processor or those named in the previous email has been included in product supplied to retailers in Sweden and Finland. The email also asked for comment to this and the previous email.

Future correspondence will be added here as this conversation continues.