PT Multi Maritim


    Summary of Crimes & Concerns

    • * Human Rights & Labor


    February 28, 2023
    1 inquiry
    0 replies

    Emails sent to three different contact email addresses for the agency failed to deliver. A hard copy with the same wording as the emails was mailed to the company.

    The email (and letter) asked about conditions on board the Wei Yu 18, a Chinese squid jigger on which the manning agency had placed Indonesian crew. The email particularly asked about a period between August 2019 and April 2020 when illness broke out across multiple crew members and one died. The email asked: 1) What were the conditions on board the ship that contributed to a widespread outbreak of illness over a short period of time? 2) Why didn’t the fishermen recruited to work on board the Wei Yu 18 by PT Multi Maritim receive their promised monthly payment of $50 USD in cash onboard the vessel? 3) The deckhands we interviewed said that they asked the captain after one year to be let off the ship, and the captain said that PT Multi Maritim said they were not permitted to leave the ship and had to work for another year. Why weren’t these deckhands permitted to leave?

    Future correspondence will be added here as this conversation continues.