PT Puncak Jaya Samudra


    Summary of Crimes & Concerns

    • * Human Rights & Labor


    August 21 - September 12, 2023
    3 inquiries
    2 replies

    WhatsApp messages sent to the contact number for PT Puncak Jaya Samudra.

    The messages asked about complaints of crew about their treatment on board the Han Rong 368 in 2020: 1) Can you explain whether these crew members were taken off the ship when they asked to be taken off? 2) Can you explain why there are videos online saying they are trapped on the ship?

    The agency replied that it was midnight there and that they would provide information the following day.

    The Outlaw Ocean Project sent the questions again.

    The agency replied that they hadn't seen the videos in question, and that they would provide responses to the questions the following day. They also asked where the researcher is based.

    The Outlaw Ocean Project said the organization is a U.S.-based journalism organization which reports on human rights and violations of labor at sea.

    Future correspondence will be added here as this conversation continues.